Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Give Away Back To Eden

Ever have one of those eureka moments that rings true in your heart? The minute you hear it, wisdom is speaking to every part of your being? I know Im sounding a bit "mystical" here, but I think you know what Im talking about.

Watching the documentary Back To Eden this week, the message I heard rang true again and again as I listened to Paul Gautschi recount what he has learned over the years from the Lord about gardening. It seemed that all the various things I had been reading, researching, and learning over the last few years about gardening was coming together in one harmonic symphony.

Techniques and philosophies that seemed so difficult and unnatural to growing plants were revealed as exactly that... a heavy yoke. And yet, freedom and the ability to garden as my body aged seemed possible once again. Perhaps that is what has sparked my enthusiasm to tackle the garden again this spring!

I dont want to diminish the impact of this movie by telling you much more at this point. You need to hear the message from Paul himself. The movie is free to watch on line or you can purchase a copy through Pantry Paratus.

Ive had several conversations with Chaya, owner of Pantry Paratus, and I can tell you that this subject is near and dear to her heart (and her husband!). So much so that they are planting a five acre garden at their church to help others learn to grow their own food. They also made the decision to carry this DVD in their store to further promote its message to others.

Enter the Give-Away

Chaya is hosting a give-away today for a copy of Back To Eden. To enter this give-away, were doing something a bit different. Those who sign up to receive the Pantry Paratus email newsletter will be entered in the drawing. You can do so either on their website (at the bottom of the page; right corner) or their facebook page (on the left side bar, fourth line under the big canning jar). She will be sending out a coupon to those on her email list very soon!

Once youve entered your name for the newsletter, please come back here and let me know youve done so - otherwise, I wont know and cant draw your name as a winner! Chaya will verify the name that is drawn and get the DVD out to the winner.

This give-away ends Friday, February 3rd at 11:59 p.m. 

Im thinking this DVD would be great to show to homesteading groups, gardening clubs, 4H friends,  church groups, family, .... the list goes on! Tomorrow, Im going to talk a little about my own experiment to return "back to Eden"!

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