Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Sizzling Summer Round Up Born Again Dirt

Today were checking out Noah Sanders new book, Born-Again Dirt, Farming for the Glory of God! You may not have heard of him... yet, but I think were going to see a lot more of this wise young man in the future!

Farmer and now author, Noah Sanders lives with his wife and son in central Alabama where he manages their fields, chickens, eggs, honey, milk, and fruit production to feed both his family and his community. His passion? Encouraging other young men to embrace the biblical vision of manhood and farming.

However, his book isnt just for men!  Its for anyone who desires to glorify God through their farm or homestead. book is very different than most on the subject of farming, which is what makes it so needed! In fact, the entire focus of the book is the biblical worldview of farming (theres a biblical worldview for everything, but we just dont always look to see what it is!).

While we may recognize and acknowledge that farming has a "world view", the question still remains... do we really understand why and can we defend it?

Here are a few examples of what Noah addresses in his work...

• What does agriculture look like if its based on the Bible instead of evolution (or other world views)?
• How should we design our farms to be both productive and beautiful? And is that really important?
• How do we grow crops that honor the Lord?
• How can we use our farms or homesteads to honor the Lord through ministry?

Some of what youll read in his book will confirm thoughts youve already had, while other concepts will give you one of those "aha" moments. And I found that it helped pull together and organize many of my thoughts on homesteading and the Bible. Instead of bits and pieces darting through my mind, reading Noahs book caused them to come together in one cohesive thought.

If youre looking for a book on the best way to grow a tomato (or some other specific crop), this book wont address that. What it will do is affirm WHY so many of us are passionate about farming and how one can do it and give God all the glory!

To order a copy of Born-Again Dirt, click HERE!

How To Enter Give-Away

• Visit Redeeming the Dirt (Noahs blog) and read one of these posts (examples of what youll read in his book):
My Farming Journey
Walk Your Farm with THE Owner
The Importance of Agri-lifestyle on the Family

Leave a comment HERE and tell me briefly, your thoughts on what you read. You MUST have a blog OR leave me a way to contact you!

• For another entry... blog, Facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave me a comment telling me youve done so. 

give-away ends at 11:59 p.m. PST TONIGHT!! The winner will be announced on the Homestead Revival Facebook page ONLY. Be sure to like my page so you get all the winners from the Sizzling Summer Round Up as well as updates that I dont put on my blog!

Disclosure: For this give-away, I purchased my own copy of Noah Sanders book. review reflects my personal opinion of his work. 

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