Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

wheres the money

Sorry for the somewhat dull budget notes here. (The skiing this weekend was amazing...)
For anyone wondering, I just asked Sen. Lyman Hoffman about the CCS money. He’s a co-chair of the finance committee for the Alaska Senate and the one in charge of the supplemental budget. He said things that weren’t in the last version weren’t there because there wasn’t agreement from the four co-chairs of the House and Senate committees, and he added that most of the stuff that was cut would get put into the state’s operating budget instead. (Lawmakers this session have been critical of the gov’s budget process.)
I claimed earlier that this would be the first money the state appropriated to deal with climate change. That might not be quite right, depending on how you look at it. I think the state has already put money toward coastal erosion projects, but I guess without the explicit mention of climate change as the driver.

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